Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Are You Pregnant Ready, Mother?

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Ideally pregnancy is planned before, even when it was planned a year before conception. For the couple it's good to prepare the emotional side each to become parents. Then have your body to pregnant?

To prepare for pregnancy is a good idea to visit a doctor where a couple later guided ginecologycally to be pregnant as soon as possible.

Contraceptives you use
If couple use pills, doctors will recommend to stop the consumption of these pills. This will enable the system to improve reproductive cycle menstruasi normal before conception - so the ovulation time where the condition of women in a very fertile will easily determined. When cessationof pill initercourse should not occured on the fertile period is only until the normal cycle menstruasi on the mother so that conception occurs only at the most appropriate period.

Whether the mother has been vaccinated?
Smallpox infection, rubella and hepatitis type B is very harmful to the fetus in the womb. If mothers do not complete the immunization list, you should immediately do so, at least a month or more before conception plan.

Whether the mother has a special medical condition?
If the mother has a chronic disease that must be considered specifically as diabetes, asthma or high blood pressure, then this chronic condition can be controlled before and during conception. Doctors recommend that mothers can do to a certain therapy treatment before pregnancy occurs. Doctors will also immediately explain special conditions that must be awared in pregnant period later.

Whether mothers are consuming any medications or supplements?
Tell the doctor about your medication therapy if you are in the middle of therapy series or your herbal supplements. So the doctor can recommend a change dose or stop treatment or supplements that you are consumed before. Usually copule recommended to consume vitamin. Why you should as soon as this? Tuba neuralis (humans tube) fetus - which later becomes the brain and spinal nerve fetus-form since the first month of pregnancy, perhaps even before the mother realized that her pregnancy. For the pre-pregnancy vitamin is an ultimate way to protect the growth of tuba neuralis.

Are you vulnerable to sexually transmitted disease?
Sexually transmitted diseases increase the risk of miscarriage, such as the occurrence of ectopic pregnancy/pregnancy outside the uterus where the egg mother cell that has been fertilized will embedded outside the womb or other pregnancy complications. If couple includes or vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases, will usually be advisable to do thorough inspections and special therapy.

Is there a family history of certain medical conditions?
Sometimes the family health history is important information to detect possible harm that can be derived on the genetic fetus. Uterus so that doctors can perform genetic testing before conception occurs.

How old are you, mother?
Above the age of 35 years will increase the risk of pregnancy. Risk of pregnancy can include miscarriage, chromosome aberration and premature birth. Some of the specific disease such as diabetes that normally experienced women aged above 35 years must also be awared. Usually doctor will give the actual solutions that are specific so that pregnancy can also occur in the best condition.

Whether maternal lifestyle support health pregnancy?
Discuss with your doctor the actual condition of health as the most optimal choice Feed food, sports and keep the stress low. If the mother has excess body weight doctor would recommend to immediately reduce the weight before conception. Also important to avoid alcohol and drugs abuse. Similarly, if the mother is an active smoker.

How do I pair with lifestyle?
Try to consult to obstetricians physician together as a couple. Health of each pair is very important including health history of each pair so that all risk factors that may later be faced can be minimalized.

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