Friday, June 19, 2009

Facts About Pregnancy and Thyroid

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Thyroid gland is located in the middle bottom of the neck. Although small, this produces thyroid hormones which affect every cell, organ and network throughout the body. This hormone will set throbbing body metabolism that will generate energy for the body from oxygen and nutrients and affects the function of the body such as the critical level of energy and tap the heart. Pregnancy is one of the results.

• During pregnancy, thyroid hormone would produce 50 percent more than that of the woman who is not pregnant
• During pregnancy thyroid will raise 10 to 15 percent (normal weight ranges between 15 to 20 grams)
• Hypothyroid probability (lack of hormones tiroid) increased during pregnancy compared to women not pregnant

Goitre, the mother and fetus

In the 10 to 12 the first week of pregnancy, the needs of tiroid hormones tor fetus depends entirely on the mother.

• At the end of the first trimester, fetus thyroid hormone is able to produce for themselves.
• Even though the fetus is still depending on the mother to meet the needs iodine fetus as an important element for making hormones tiroid.
• During pregnancy, the needs of iodine is very important for the establishment and development of the fetus brain.
• During pregnancy the mother must continue to increase the supply of iodine to produce hormones tiroid and ensure adequate iodine is available for the fetus
• During pregnancy, mothers are advised to consume a daily vitamin that contains 150 μg (read: microgram) iodine in the form of potasium iodine (thyroid recommendations from the American Association).

Statisics indicate that not less than 2.2 billion population of the world experiencing iodine deficiency, and this is one of the causes of mental retardation.


Hypotiroidisme/hypothyroid is a condition where the thyroid gland does not produce enough hormones and symptoms that arise, among others, fatigue, depression, often forget, is not tolerant of cold, constipation and dry out the skin.

• Handling hypotyroid in pregnant women with the same woman who is not pregnant, such as the consumption of thyroid synthetic hormones, Synthetic levothyroxine (T4) is usually obtained from the dried thyroid gland from animal-gland thyroid
• Due to the nature of the treatment hypothyroid throughout the ages, before the pregnancy, the mother should consult a doctor to get the dose of the right T4
• Mother with T4 therapy is pregnant should increase the dose of general consumption, especially the first trimester on until at least 50 percent.
• Hypothyroid on pregnant women who do not enough medication can lead to miscarriage, premature birth and a decrease in IQ in the fetus.
• Children / babies born with congenital hypothyroid (without thyroid gland on birth) usually will not develop normal, if not identified and handled immediately.
• In the United States, all infants born through the need to review thyroid to see if he has a congenital aberration thyroid so that therapy can be determined earlier to prevent the occurrence of retardasi / decrease in metal children.
• Eight to ten percent of mothers suffering from postpartum suspected thyoriditis that occurred in the first 12 months after the birth which occurred hyperthyroid followed by a hypothyroid 2-3 days later and then gradually to normal.


Hyperthyroidisme/hyperthyroid is a condition in which the gland produces too much hormone. Symptoms are caused, among others, trembling, eye irritation, tired muscles, a decrease in body weight that is not controlled, and sleep disturbances of vision problem.

• Hyperthyroid will be difficult to detect in pregnant women because the symptoms and be difficult with the normal pregnancy
• Graves disease is one hyperthyroid type, is a disease estimated autoimun/a kind of allergy. This disease including the genetic disease or a derived/inherited. Clinical symptoms of the disease is grave sweat a lot, like the cold, often pulsatile, both hands often tremble, rapid pulse is a consequence of hyperthyroidisme.
• Mother pregnant with Graves disease will usually be required to reduce the therapy received during pregnancy.
• Handling the missing top hyperthyroid before birth can cause serious complications and the time as "preclampsia".

Examination of Thyroid disease during pregnancy

American thyroid Association recommends inspections at the women with high risk as below before or during pregnancy:

• Mother / woman with a history of disease thyroid / mumps or never perform surgery tiroid
• Mother / woman with a family history had suffered from mumps
• Mother's / women who carry antibody thyroid
• Mother / women with symptoms of clinical hyperthyroid or hypothyroid
• Mother / women with type 1 diabetes
• Mother / female difference with mumps
• Mother / woman with a deviation autoimun
• Mother / woman who is not fertile / infertile
• Mother's / women who have to do radiation therapy on the head or neck
• Mother / woman with a history of miscarriage or premature birth

A simple blood test is the first step in diagnosis. From there, the doctor can suggest what should be the next step. Remember that thyroid disease is very common, and in the experienced paramedics, a disease that causes the excess/lack of hormones thyroid can be easily treated and diagnosed.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Baby Movement Count

Switch to Bahasa Indonesia

Many pregnant women feel out of the birth of the patient himself forward on the last weeks of third trimester. Even mothers often feel the movement of the baby in the womb. Movements can be perceived start week 18 to 25 pregnancies. For the first pregnancy, the movement is felt when pregnancy enter 25 weeks, and for the second or third pregnancy may at the age of 18 weeks a small movement can be felt.

For several weeks it may be difficult to distinguish between the movement of the baby or not (indirection), but then you will find the pattern of movement. Then the mother will learn to distinguish itself in the womb if the baby is asleep or are moving, when it was most active and triggered the activity.

Given the movement in the womb the baby may indeed help the mother when there is a marked change significantly with the baby. Try to take time each day while the baby is active when engaged in the womb with his kick, tumble or hand movement. This activity will be able to help mothers to identify potential problems that may occur and can help the birth at the right time. Therefore, it is highly recommended for mothers with high risk pregnancy to monitor the movement and the baby starts to 28 days.

Make this event a moment that you wait for

Generally the mother will feel the baby move very active after eating or swallow sweet, drink a cold or after physical activity. Sometimes active period occurred between the hours of 9 pm and 1 am as a result of sugar in the blood are low. Take a moment to calculate the movement of the baby will help you rileks and also strengthens the relationship between emotions and the baby's mother. Some pregnant women prefer to sit, rest and hold the back and stomach. Sometimes mothers are also more comfortable lie to the left that are important to effectively monitor the movement of the baby. Lie to the left also allows the best circulation that will make the baby move more actively.

Calculate the movement

There are many ways the movement of the baby in the womb, and there are a number of opinions of how much the amount of movement your baby at a time. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologist (ACOG) recommend that the mother of to calculate the time required to do ten baby movement (backlash, friction, and the brunt of all the movement). Ideally the mother will feel 10 movements in two hours or less.

In making a recording, try to write the minutes during the first three movements, each movement mark that you feel movement until ten minutes and record the movement time to reach ten. Notes the movement will help the mother and baby's movement pattern, determine the time for the ten normal baby movements. Important note is that distortions of the normal pattern of movement is felt.

When looking for help / to see a doctor?

• If the mother does not feel the full backlash 10 for up to two hours after the first motion passed, wait a few minutes and do count again. After trying to calculate the second time the mother does not feel 10 movements in 2 hours, you should immediately consult a doctor.
• If the mother finds a significant detour from the pattern of movement for 3 to 4 days.

Example of calculating a movement baby
Monday 9:00 xxxxxxxxxx 9:32 Total: 32 mins
Tuesday 12:00 Xxxxxxxxxx 12:45 Total: 45 minutes
Wednesday 9:00 xxxxxxxxxx 10:00 Total: 1 hour
Thursday 9:00 xxxxxxxxxx 11:15 Total: 2 hrs 15 mins
(Example change significantly the pattern of movement. If the mother noted this change, the alert and to immediately consult a doctor).

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