Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Hormone Replacement Therapy, Menopause Solution

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Menopause is a natural event that would be faced by women/mothers. While this is very aware of women and mothers, there was always a worry and fear. Menopause usually come at the age of women/mothers reached of 50 or when ovary lifting that cause menstruation stops permanently. From the threat of bone loss until the decline of sexual desire, and the more serious is the decline in quality of life for women/mothers menopause because of psychological concerns due to the many physical effects that must be endured.

"A lot of menopause women/mothers live with drugs because of the large variety of physical complaints experienced by the menopause. And if the woman/mother menopause will notice and open, in fact the main cause of the decline in physical condition is largely due to reduced estrogen hormone itself as the impact of cessation of menstruation, "says Prof. Dr. Ali Baziad, SpOG (K).

Hormone replacement is needed to make the needs of estrogen/menopausal women remain the same as being met when they were menstruating. It's just that there is still resistance and fear of women/mothers would menopausal negative effects of hormonal drugs such as obesity and concerns about breast cancer or high blood pressure.
Now we have solutions hormone replacement estrogen/menopausal women have entered a new phase with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) with drospirenone 2mg besides additional 1mg estradiol 17β or commonly known as the estrogen. Drospirenone is expected to be able to counteract the weight gain, high blood pressure and increased cholesterol levels experienced by women / mothers who consume only menopause estradiol HRT alone.

TSH Ideally should do for 5 to 6 years when a woman/mother is no longer menstruating for one to two years. This is done so that the body condition woman/mother to fit and do therapy when everything is still possible physical condition for granting such TSH.

Current management of medication in women with HRT/menopausal women is raw and can be given by any physician who has been through the certification. This self certification by PERMI (Indonesia Menopause Society) which is the association of practitioners and observers in the medical field, especially regarding this menopausal problem.

This certificate will give flexibility to the doctor to determine the physical condition of the woman/mother menopause before prescribing HRT to prevent contra indications. Contra indication for patients TSH itself include patients with breast cancer, acute liver, brain cancer and cervical cancer. Women/mothers who have complete menopause with a thorough examination will be given HRT with one-month trial. If the TSH is suitable, it will be given later for TSH for 6 months and if possible be given HRT for 5 to 6 years without the need to control prescription.

For the woman / mother with a premature menopause as he lifted the ovaries, radiation or other reasons there is no choice of hormone replacement therapy is an urgent need, according to Prof. emphasis. Dr. Ali Baziad, SpOG (K).

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