Friday, April 17, 2009

Sleep for New Parents

Switch to Bahasa Indonesia

A Baby is a dream for a new couple who have been married. But whether they realize that with the introduction of the new home means that the consequences will arise. For the couple who just had a baby first, perhaps enough sleep is a dream. Wake up in the middle of the night when everyone asleep, not to mention the need to wake up tomorrow morning to leave for work. Here are some ways to get enough sleep time for new parents.

In the initial 3 months of age, babies will sleep at least 5 hours in the night. After reaching the age of 6 months, the baby will sleep better tonight, ranged from 9 to 12 hours. Here's the tricks for parents to find time to increasee quality of sleep in the lack of time.

There is no formula for getting good quality sleep, but some tips and tricks may be useful:
Sleep when baby sleeps. Turn off the mobile phone / telephone or at least activate the silent mode. Remove laundry basket and forget dirty dishes that have not yet had time to wash, you can delay it.
First get rid off other activities. If you or your friends you intend visiting, do not you become a master house. Let your friends to host in your home with their own self-serving. Tell them if they can pretend as they are in their own home. So you can use your time to have a baby and your rest time.
Organize your bed. Initially may feel strange to share the bed with your baby, especially if you are breastfeeding mother. If you are the baby's activities, the crib can be a possible option.
Sharing the night's activities. You and your partner can share the baby during the night, changing nappies or making a bottle of milk.
Do not be surprised and panic when the baby suddenly cry. Sometimes midnight your baby crying as a sign of just inconvenience, it is still small akan itself. Wait some time, the long run you will understand when you cry baby is only a sign of hungry or not.
When necessary, ask for assistance. Find a trusted person who can help you keep the small, such as parents or relatives. Assistance they may be very valuable to keep you stay fit with the rest of time limitations. When you are forced, hire a baby-sitter, but realize that her present is not able to replace the warmth of own parents.

Taking care of baby is easy and difficult, fatigue can make you easily fall asleep anytime, anywhere. If you have difficulty sleeping, make sure that the situation around to fit your bed. Select a mattress and pillow are you most comfortable, turn off the television. Rooms are cool and dark is easier to make your bed. Keep nicotine, caffeine and alcohol.

30 minutes if you can not fall asleep, find another activity. If fatigue and drowsiness came back to try and sleep. Difficulty sleeping if this happens more than a week, consult your doctor, you may need assistance therapeutist to help improve the quality of your sleep.

If you pair and expect the presence of the very small before, then wake up the night is not something that heavy. Happiness overcome your fatigue.

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