Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Gum Chewing May Speed Healing Cesarean

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Chewing low-sugar gum, can help the healing mother's abdomen after a cesarean delivery. Egyptian researchers found that giving them chewing gum to help restore normal bowel function and shorten the time to stay in the hospital.

Like any other surgery, cesarean section also makes the intestines and digestive functions become sluggish for some time that cause gas and constipation.
Chewing gum will help trigger the nervous system response and the release of gastrointestinal hormones that stimulate the activity of the stomach to work, according to Dr. Abd El-Karim Maeboud and colleagues at the Ain Shams University of Cairo.

Research results published in the journal BJOG obstetrics, which involved 200 women who had cesarean section and anesthesia. At random, half of the respondents were given sugarless gum to chew for 15 minutes every two hours after surgery Caesar, while half of the respondents applied the standard treatment that includes getting out of bed and practice walking to encourage bowel moving again.

In general, they found that respondents who chew gum more quickly get back to normal bowel activity. On average they will experience shitting first 21 hours after cesarean section compared to 30 hours on respondents through standard care. They are also faster to leave the hospital only 41 hours after childbirth than 50 hours in women with standard treatment.

Furthermore Abd El Maeboud explained that this research is still premature and needs further research, especially regarding the effects due to differences in anesthesia / or local anesthesia during the Caesarean section. Local anesthesia including epidural blocks and spinal expected to be influenced by the nervous system activation with chewing gum.

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