Friday, October 8, 2010

Baby Hiccups

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Infants/Baby and hiccups are one thing. Hiccups are basically not a bad for baby, it's just that often make parents worried. Hiccups are a normal thing, no need to worry about and usually goes away by itself. Very rarely do baby hiccups also be a sign or symptom of a serious illness.

Hiccups occur when the diaphragm, the muscle at the base of the lungs spasm (contraction of the diaphragm muscle that occur suddenly). Spasm that causes the vocal cords to close quickly so that the air is about to go into the lungs are blocked, and there came a loud voice, hiccups.

For parents who have children for the first time most concerned if their babies aged 0-3 months who are still hiccups, but hiccups in babies, especially after drinking milk or milk bottles actual banality and experienced by almost all infants.

According to Prof. Mark Widome, MD, an expert in child health at Penn State Children's Hospital, hiccups sometimes expected and a sign that your baby has been fed and the meal perfectly.

Check the baby's pacifier drink. Baby may swallow too much air and hiccup if the hole is not exactly the pacifier. Massage the back of the palate with a cotton wool soaked in water. Move the cotton was to the front and back for 1 minute or more.
There was no medicine to overcome the hiccups, but usually to deal with hiccups baby while nursing, you can lay her, and bend both legs down to the stomach. Give him warm water can also help. It is much easier when using the dot, because pacifiers will open the pharyngeal or other tenggorokan.Cara to fix this, parents also can help the baby to burp, or pat baby's back so happens burp

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